field access

Similar to the entity access, field access allows you to optionally constrain access to specific fields (including objects and arrays) for whatever operation you wish to restrict. By default access is set to anyone.

Note there is no delete access on a field. Setting a field to null is an update operation.

"access": {
    "find": [
        "find role 1",
    "insert": [
        "insert role 1",
    "update": [
        "update role 1",
  • find: If the caller does not have the required role, the field is removed from the return value

    • update: If the caller does not have the required role, the field will not be updated. Attempt to update inaccessible fields will result in failed update
    • insert: If the caller does not have the required role, attempt to set field value during insertion will result in failed insert.
  • find: Array of roles allowed to return the field in a find request. If the caller does not have the required role, the field is removed from the response. [optional]

  • insert: Array of roles allowed to insert (set) a new value for the field. If the caller does not have the required role the insert request will fail. [optional]
  • update: Array of roles allowed to update a field. If the caller does not have the required role the update request will fail. [optional]

Special Roles

The same special roles apply to field access. See Special Roles in the entity access documentation.

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