

  • simple entity - a single persistence unit.. "data that can be written atomically"
  • aggregate entity - a collection of simple entities associated through some relationships
  • data service - a software service for manipulating a simple entities
  • orchestration service - synonymous with "aggregation service"
  • aggregation service - a software service for manipulating aggregate entities
  • business service - a software service for doing anything outside of data or aggregation service scope. Typically anything that has business logic requirements.


  • document - structured text representing data for an entity. Unless specified, assume this is referring to a JSON document.
  • hook - operations that provide a way for CRUD operations to have side effects after a document is created, modified, or deleted. Similar to triggers in a relational database
  • projection - projection refers to either a document that defines what fields to keep when returning a result set or the result set from such an operation (applying a projection)


  • movable data - data that can be moved from existing datastores to another location
  • unmovable data - data that can not be moved from existing datastores

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